Who I Am And What I Do

My name is Ann Hinds, L.M.T. ( Licensed Massage Therapist), and have been practicing massage therapy for 30 years. I first became interested in massage when I was a young kid. My grandmother was dealing with health issues and would get terrible migraines. One day she asked me to massage her neck and when I did, I intuitively knew what to do, and she told me that it really helped. This would later become one of my specialties; working with people who deal with headaches and migraines.

I became more interested when one of my best friends had trouble sleeping because she was getting sober after struggling with addiction and her past traumas. I would massage her, and I helped her to sleep. This would later help me to understand the connection with the nervous system and various traumas and how to help people balance the nervous system.

Throughout my career I’ve been blessed with many teachable moments as well. Not only have I learned from some of the best instructors and mentors, but I’ve also learned a great deal from my clients over the years. I’ve always believed in staying humble and teachable. I believe it’s important to keep up with the latest science and various modalities. I also believe it’s important to teach my clients as well, not only on the latest science, but help them understand the “what” and “why” their bodies are out of balance.

My approach is to first talk with my client, get a verbal understanding as to what is going on. Then I do assessments so I have a better understanding of what’s going on with the client and what I need to do to help their bodies heal and become balanced.

I have my female clients wear a sports bra and loose shorts, and male clients wear loose shorts. If a client prefers to be unclothed while under covers and using the draping method, that is an option I’ll honor.