My Services

What I offer

Orthopedic Massage

The goal of orthopedic massage is to help rehabilitate injury or injuries of the muscles and soft tissue surrounding the joints. This modality helps to correct scar tissue, relieve pain while also helping to balance the tissue, and helping to restore full range of motion.

Myofascial Release

The goal of myofascial release is to relieve pain that can be felt throughout the body or pain felt in specific areas of the body; example, pain in the shoulder area. The use of this modality allows me to find and treat the areas that feel tight instead of elastic and movable.

Combination of Modalities

I use a combination of modalities such as Swedish, Orthopedic, Myofascial Release, (for example) for various issues that might be going on with the body, such as whiplash, strained muscles, scar tissue, and migraines, just to name a few to help get you out of a pain cycle, and/or correct and balance the joints and muscles.

Energy Work

This is used either with other modalities or by itself in order to help relieve and release discomfort/pain from the body caused by various traumas, such as sports injuries, car wrecks, as well as more personal traumas.

The Results…

After receiving a massage therapy session from me, you will notice that your body is more balanced, better posture, less to no pain, more range of motion to 100% range of motion. You’ll also feel lighter, more connected and aware of your body physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The Ultimate goal is to have Full range of Motion, Pain Free, and a Healthy and Balanced Body